
Joe Hargan elected President of the Glasgow Art Club

Joe Hargan, Artist

Joe Hargan, Artist

At the Annual Business Meeting of the Glasgow Art Club held on the evening of Thursday the 22nd of February 2018, the members of the Club elected Joe Hargan PAI as the new President of the organisation. Mr Hargan has made the following statement;“As the newly elected president of the Glasgow Art club it is a pleasure to take over from our first Lady President Efric McNeil who did a sterling job over her term. I hope to continue developing our links with the various institutions and public.

During the past 3 years as Artist Vice President and chair of the gallery committee we have offered degree students their first prestigious show. I intend to broaden these connections with the other Scottish art institutes in Scotland. We have put on all levels of exhibitions from Primary and Secondary schools to art school degree students, memorial exhibitions, solo and mixed shows. Within this last 3 years we have put on 43 exhibitions. We have a healthy program of events forthcoming with educational talks and a prestigious Redpath/ Michie exhibition in the Autumn amongst others.......

Click here to read the rest of Joe's statement on the Glasgow Art Club's website >>

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